Site Plan Control is a tool under the Planning Act. The process assesses the outside features of a property for a plan of development. The process does not review the inside features of a development. The purpose of Site Plan Control is to lessen the impact of planned development on a neighbourhood and the community.

Site Plan Control is used to:

  • Create new development that is safe and easy to access for use by pedestrians and vehicles;
  • Protect nearby properties from the impacts of a planned development;
  • Confirm a development meets the Town's needs for quality and appearance;
  • Generate development that is compatible with a neighbourhood;
  • Deliver enough landscaping and greenspace through a planned development;
  • Checks that a development will drain properly and not toward properties or buildings next to it; and,
  • Ensures a development is maintained the way it was approved

Site Plan Control By-law

The Site Plan Control By-law states the types of planned development that require Site Plan Control approval. The By-law also states the type of development that is exempt from Site Plan Control. Appendix A of the Site Plan Control By-law states the criteria for some information that is needed to support a Site Plan Control application. However, more information could be needed to support a planned development and depends on the specific property and proposal.

If you wish to apply for Site Plan Control, you must schedule a pre=consultation meeting with Planning staff. If you are not the owner of the property, written permission from the owner for you to make the application must be submitted.

Site Plan Control Application

The Process – Site Plan Control


You must meet with Town staff to discuss the proposal before you submit an application. The discussion with staff will identify the documents needed to support the application. Meetings may be held in-person, by Zoom or Microsoft Teams.

A site plan of the planned development must be submitted with a meeting request. Please contact the Planning Clerk at 613-283-4124 extension 1136 or to schedule a meeting.

After the meeting, the Planning Clerk will email you a checklist of documents needed to support your proposal.

Review of a Complete Application

Planning staff will review the application to see if it agrees with the checklist sent to you after the pre-consultation meeting. Leaving out information listed in the checklist may result in delays.

The application is sent to other Town departments and agencies for review. Departments may include, but are not limited to, Planning Services, the Department of Public Works and Utilities, the Fire Department, Building Services, Community Services Department, Economic Development and Tourism Department and the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority.

The department feedback received will be provided to you in writing by Planning staff.

Planning Advisory Committee Consultation

The Planning Advisory Committee (PAC) advises staff on all Site Plan Control applications. The Planning Advisory Committee meets monthly on the second Thursday. Special meetings may be arranged by the Senior Planner where timelines under the Planning Act need to be met.

PAC often reviews the application during the department review stage. Committee comments are usually included with the written feedback from the department review.

A staff report for the application is prepared by staff to PAC. Concerns, issues and all a staff recommendation are included in the staff report. The staff report is sent with PAC's agenda and posted to the Town's website 3 days before their meeting. The PAC meeting is open to the public and the agenda and staff report are public information.

Security Deposit Proposal

A site plan approval includes a condition that the developer provides a performance security. A performance security is a payment to the Town which covers the cost of the site work on the property and Town owned land as applicable to the development. The security will be returned to you once completion is confirmed. 

Before final site plan approval, you will need to provide a security deposit proposal to the Town. The proposal is reviewed and must be accepted by Town departments. The approved performance security is included in the final agreement. 

Site Plan Control - Security Deposit Proposal Form

Final Site Plan Control Approval

The application is considered complete when the application meets the requirements of the Town.  Site Plan approval is confirmed by an Agreement that outlines the terms and conditions of the development and acceptance of the plans and drawings for the development.  

A draft agreement will be sent to you for review and comment. Planning staff will work with you to address any concerns with the agreement before it is finalized. The owner of the property and the Town must sign the agreement when finalized. The signed agreement must be registered by your lawyer to the title of the property.

Final Documents to Submit

Before a building permit can be issued, the following documents must be provided to Planning staff:

  • Confirmation (instrument number) that the agreement has been registered to the title of the property;
  • The final agreement will have a section for insurance requirements. A Certificate of Insurance meeting these requirements must be submitted for verification; and,
  • Payment of performance security as approved by the Town.

Contact Us

Richard Grant
Planner 1
77 Beckwith Street North
Smiths Falls ON K7A 2B8
Richard Grant 613-283-4124 x 1123

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