A consent refers to the official permission given by the Town in relation to changes to property. A consent is often referred to as a severance. A consent is needed for lot creations, lot additions, adjustments to the locations of a lot line and to create easements.

A larger development that proposes many new lots and/or a new road may be better processed as a Plan of Subdivision. You must consult with Planning staff before making an application to decide on the best approach for your development.

Land Division Committee

The Planning Advisory Committee acts as the Land Division Committee under the Planning Act. The Planning Advisory Committee reviews consent and subdivision applications and hosts the needed public meeting. The Committee makes the decisions on consent applications and advises Council on the approval of plan of subdivision applications.  

Consent Applications

If you wish to apply for a consent, you will need to complete the application form and collect all the information listed on the form. If you are not the owner of the property, written permission from the owner for you to make the application must be submitted. It is recommended to speak with Planning staff before submitting your application.

Consent Application

A consent will only be approved if the proposal meets the Provincial Policy Statement 2020 and the policies of the Town’s Official Plan.

The Process – Consent

Review of a Complete Application

Planning staff will review the application for completeness when submitted. If information is missing, application processing may be delayed.

When deemed complete by staff, the application is provided to other Town staff such as Public Works and Utilities and Building Services to review and provide comment. Departments advise if any information is needed to support the application and may suggest conditions of approval for the proposal.

Agency and Public Notification and Consultation 

A public meeting is scheduled and a notice of the meeting will be prepared by staff when the application is deemed complete. The notice is sent out at least 14 days before the meeting and invites the community and agencies to give feedback on the application. The notice is sent directly to neighbours, agencies and staff, is posted on the property subject to the application and is posted to the Town’s website under Planning and Land Use.

Committee and Public Meeting

The Planning Advisory Committee (PAC) hosts the public meeting and makes the decision for all consent applications. The Planning Advisory Committee meets the second Thursday of each month. Special meetings may be scheduled when necessary.

A staff report for the application is prepared by staff for the public meeting. The report summarizes the application, feedback received, planning concerns and recommends if the application should be approved. The staff report is posted with PAC's agenda on the Town's Council Calendar 3 days before the public meeting.

 What can you expect at a public meeting:

  • The File Lead (Planner) will present the staff report and answer any questions when asked by the Chair of the Committee
  • Everyone at the meeting will be given the chance to ask questions and state concerns on the application
  • You and/or your agent will have a chance to respond to any questions and concerns
  • Committee members will discuss the application, ask questions and state their opinions. The Committee may approve or deny an application the same day as the public meeting. The Committee may also defer their decision until more information is submitted.

If more information is needed, Planning staff will work with you directly to ensure you know what needs to be provided. 

Committee Decision and Appeal Period

The Committee will pass a motion stating their decision and listing any conditions of the approval. The decision is signed by all Committee members who supported the decision. The decision is sent as a notice to everyone who gave input on the application. The notice must state that eligible parties have 20 days to appeal the PAC’s decision. If no appeals are received the day after the appeal deadline, the decision is final.

Completing the Consent

A consent approval from PAC usually has conditions. Conditions of an approval must be completed within 2 years from the date the notice is sent. A certificate from the Secretary-Treasurer of PAC will be issued once all conditions are completed. The certificate is used by a lawyer to register the approval and property changes.

If the conditions are not completed within 2 years, the approval lapses and the consent process must be repeated. 

Plan of Subdivision Applications

Please review the process below to check that the proper steps are taken before submitting an application for a plan of subdivision. If you are not the owner of the property, written permission from the owner for you to make the application must be submitted. 

Plan of Subdivision Application

The Process – Subdivisions


You must meet with Town staff to discuss the proposal before you submit an application. The meeting with staff will identify the documents needed to support the application. Meetings may be held in-person, by Zoom or Microsoft Teams.

A draft plan of subdivision prepared by an Ontario Land Surveyor (OLS) must be submitted with a meeting request. Please contact the Planning Clerk at 613-283-4124 extension 1136 or mremmig@smithsfalls.ca to schedule a meeting.

After the meeting, the Planning Clerk will email you a checklist of documents needing to be submitted with your application. This checklist is intended to ensure your application submission is in its most complete form.

Review of a Complete Application

Planning staff will review the application to see if it agrees with the checklist sent to you after the pre-consultation meeting. If information is missing, the application may be delayed.

The application is sent to other Town departments and agencies for review. Departments may include, but are not limited to, Planning Services, Public Works and Utilities, the Fire Department, Building Services, Community Services Department, the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority and Parks Canada.

If more information is needed after department review, Planning staff will work with you directly so you know what needs to be provided.

Agency and Public Notification and Consultation 

A public meeting is scheduled and a notice of the meeting will be prepared by staff when department review is complete. The notice is sent out at least 14 days before the meeting and invites the community to give feedback on the application. The notice is sent directly to neighbours, agencies and staff and is posted to the Town’s website.

Committee and Public Meeting

The Planning Advisory Committee (PAC) hosts the needed public meeting and gives Council advice for approving subdivisions. The Planning Advisory Committee meets monthly on the second Thursday. Special meetings may be scheduled when necessary.

A staff report for the application is prepared by staff to PAC. The staff report summarizes the application, feedback received and planning concerns. The staff report is sent with PAC’s agenda and posted to the Town’s website 3 days before the public meeting.

What can you expect at a public meeting:

  • The Planner will present the staff report and answer any questions when asked by the Chair of the Committee
  • Everyone at the meeting will be allowed to ask questions and state concerns on the application
  • You, or your agent, will have a chance to respond to questions and concerns
  • Committee members will discuss the application, ask questions and state their opinions The Committee may approve an application the same day as the public meeting. The Committee may also defer their decision until more information is submitted or deny the application.

If more information is needed, Planning staff will work with you directly so you know what needs to be provided.

Council Decision and Appeal Period

Staff will present the proposal to Committee of the Whole (Council) by way of a staff report to review options and present a recommendation. The information is given to Council by a staff report sent with the Committee of the Whole agenda and posted to the Town’s website.

Council will pass a resolution at a meeting of Council listing any conditions of their decision. The decision is sent as a notice to everyone who gave input on the application. The notice must state that eligible parties have 20 days to appeal the Council’s decision. If no appeals are received, the decision is final.

Completing the Plan of Subdivision

A plan of subdivision approval has conditions. You must complete the conditions within 3 years from the date the notice is sent. If all conditions are completed, staff will present the completion to Council for final approval and permission to enter into a Subdivision Agreement.

If the conditions are not completed within 3 years, the approval lapses and the process must be repeated.

Plans of Condominium

Plans of Condominium are also available under the Condominium Act. Please contact the Manager of Development Services at 613-283-4124 ext. 1116 or kgrenke@smithsfalls.ca regarding a proposal to undertake a Plan of Condominium.

Contact Us

Richard Grant
Planner 1
77 Beckwith Street North
Smiths Falls ON K7A 2B8
Richard Grant 613-283-4124 x 1123

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